Saturday, November 19, 2011

Malaysian Chinese Fairy Tale Wedding - Chapter Three

Malaysian Chinese Fairy Tale Wedding - Chapter Three

Requesting blessings from the Gods and Ancestors,

It never ceases to amaze me how much Chinese Buddhists's not per definition 100% Buddhism that they practice, but more alike a mix of Taoism and Buddhism and top that of with some localized practices.

The multitude of deities that they pray to is generally for the balance of Yin en Yang, health & longevity, relationship between humans and the cosmos, ....with the emphasis on humility, compassion....and not the least reverence to the ancestors or more specifically their spirits.

Being brought up in a traditional style, and always abiding to the local religious practices, Keanwai & Joanne, with the help of the family, held a praying session at Joanne's paternal house in Rawang,.....a small city on the outskirts of Kuala Lumpur, but to be more correct, the 'house' is built next to a forest reserve, called Templer Park....

I digress, back to the prayer session : Anyway, I suspect that the praying session itself involved asking for the blessing of the ancestors for their upcoming wedding, at least that's what I figured out.  

The deities or ancestors were offered the full works, chicken, roasted pork, all kinds of fruits, tea and even liquor (is it for them to hold a wedding party above there in heaven??.....someone please explain).  But from the looks of it, the couple and family paid their earnest respects and I'm quite certain they have received their "Blessings" in return. :)

Laetitia, her aunty Jesslyn (Keanwai's sister) and me were truly honoured to be part of this particular praying ceremony.........

Jesslyn and her 'bao bei', Laetitia

Hopefully some of the deities' and ancestor's blessings will be rubbed onto us.....never too much of that.....a little bit help from above is always appreciated :)

Have to admit that the setting for this prayer session provided a stunning background,  the lush green jungle, a lake and some lime stone hills.....

Closer to nature, and much closer to God and the Spirits you cannot get.....

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