Friday, October 2, 2009

Tooth Fairy

Being at the tender age of 8, it inevitably occurs that Laetitia is losing her baby teeth one at a time.

So it came as no surprise when she approached me with a 'fresh' teeth in her hand......

And I prepared to comfort her perfectly knowing that our gal's pain treshold is quite low........

But she wanted none of that.........she proudly showed me the tooth and opened her mouth to show the visible gap between her teeth.....

So I asked her to pass the tooth to me, and she refused............mmmmmmmmhhhhhhhhmmm.........a refusal?!?

Suddenly it dawned upon me that she wanted to keep her tooth for.............. the tooth fairy :p

I told her the age-old story of the "toothfairy" years ago, in order to soften the pain of losing her teeth one by one......and she still remembered.

So before she went to sleep, she tucked away her 'tooth' under her pillow and went blisfully to sleep.

And ofcourse, when she woke up, the tooth fairy really did stop by and replaced her 'tooth' with a candy, in this case, a lolly pop :). Our daughter was truly overjoyed and when her friends told her that there is no such thing as a tooth fairy, she refuses to believe their claims as she has rock solid proof in her hands.

Bless the ignorance of children.......:)