Wednesday, April 7, 2010



Belgian's hugely popular equivalent of snackbar

Since ages it has provided relatively cheap comfort food tailored to the taste of the Belgian populace.........and guess once what the main salivating 'gourmet' dish is on the menu..........righto.......BELGIAN "French Fries" with a slab of mayonaise!!!

Yeah, the origin of the ubiquitous French Fries is not in France but in the fields of Flanders, Belgium, era World War I, ......the Allied troops discovered and unanimously loved the taste of the crispy, fried, thinly cut strips of potatoes rolled up in sheets of paper served upside down.

But ofcourse, back then in the war, the rolling frontlines of the war made it hard to for the 'soldiers' to tell in which country they were fighting at that particular Belgian fries eventually lost it out to "French fries"....

A visit to Belgium warrants a must-visit to the frituur or "friterie" in Walloon/French in order to appreciate what food the locals so unanimously adore.....

Frituurs have evolved over the years ofcourse, adapting to changing tastebuds and diversifying their food selection in order to compete with the all-intrusive Italian pizzajoints and Moroccan/Turkish pita/durum snackbars ...........

Thus nowadays frituurs offer numerous other sauces to go with the 'Belgian Fries' like tartare, pickles, curry, tomato, gypsy and meat sauces.......not to mention the countless other snacks which for the foodlovers are a real treat from heaven....

Needless to say that I have paid numerous visits to the frituur....:)....darn, nothing beats the smell and taste of the genuine fries in its land of origin..........yummy!!!!!

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