Sunday, February 19, 2012

Roaring Giordano Lion's polo

Roaring Giordano Lion's polo, 

Even though there's a worldwide financial meltdown with no end in sight, you can't expect us to go back home empty handed, can you?

Nah, we didn't divulge ourselves in splattering on renowned Dubai's duty-free merchandise. After all, 99% of all goods come from China anyways (and since that HK & China trips appear frequently on our calendar, it just doesn't make sense to buy anything whatsoever). 

There is no taboo on window shopping though, and much to our surprise we stumbled upon Giordano's retail shop in the Mall of the Emirates. 

Giordano is basically a clothing brand with Hong Kong roots, selling affordable, fashionable garment made in China sweat shops to the masses. 

Don't mix it up with the fashion designer Giorgio Armani although I highly suspect that the Hong Kong dudes who set up this brand had him in mind back then. 

Thus surprised to see this particular retail outlet, our girl and me hopped in to take a peek at the clothes on offer. Honestly, Giordano shop, be it in native Hong Kong or in overseas markets like in this case, Dubai....apart from some minor touches all have the same appearance. On one hand it's easily identifiable, which is a definite +, but on the other hand it just comes across as just another anonymous mainstream shop. Blame that on globalization, sadly but true. 

And shockingly,the prices were a bit steeper too, compared with HK shops. Wait, and someone told us Dubai is duty free? Giordano tries to brand itself overseas as an upper market store or did some accounting and marketing dip head made some wrong numbers? Result is that even though supposedly its duty free, Giordano's prices in Dubai are way, way higher than in Hong Kong. 

No way we would be buying anything.......but.... 

Yeah, there's a 'but'.... 

What made us change our mind were the enthusiastic sales staff....I know, sales men and ladies wherever will always put on a smile, but unlike in Hong Kong or any other places, the attitude of the staff in question were unquestionably genuine good-hearted. 

Okay, I admit, highly likely that the presence of Giordano's Middle East & Africa CEO, Mr.Chugani, and his management staff in the shop had something to do with the picture-perfect reception :-p

But nevertheless, Giordano had issued a special edition Lion's polo with an embroidered UAE flag, in tandem with celebrating UAE's 40th anniversary. 

Got to have that of course. 

"Dzing, Dzing"........Where's the cashier? :p 

At least we brought something unique back from the deserts, a cool polo shirt with the UAE flag on it. 

Now how many people can say ain't a standard fare Giordano polo 

No sir, it is a Roaring Giordano Lions Polo......

C'mon girl, give me another 'Roar'  ;-)

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