Friday, November 18, 2011

Malaysian Chinese Fairy Tale Wedding - Chapter Two

Malaysian Chinese Fairy Tale Wedding - Chapter Two

Thien Hou Temple,

Considered to be one of the largest Chinese Temples dedicated to Thien Hou (aka the Heavenly Mother) and the Goddess of Mercy (aka Kuan Yin), in South East Asia, ....

It not only has become a prominent place of worship since it was built in the late 1980's, but also a big tourist attraction,....its architecture taking design cues from Taoism, Buddhism and Confusianism......a true melting pot which in this case, provides a rare splendid symbiosis.......

Aside from providing the masses a place to worship the Gods, part of the temple has also been turned into a marriage registrar office for those Malaysian Buddhists who'd love to pledge their vows under the watchful eyes of the Goddess (and as a bonus the newly married couple will also obtain a sprinkle of divine Blessing, how about that? :p) instead of registering at some anonymous, grey, drab government office building.

Thus on a glorious Sunday afternoon, the 25th of September 2011, Keanwai and Joanne, pledged their vows to eachother as witnessed by each respective family entourage, closest friends and ofcourse the Gods themselves (note that the bride and groom take their vows in front of a statuette of the God.....

The Almighty is all around us indeed...."Big Brother" can take a hike.....:p

So from this day onwards Keanwai and Joanne are officially known as Mr & Mrs Toh :)

Jessica's favourite cousin bro has finally come of age , and who else than Joanne is the perfect soulmate for him...

Triply Hurrays are in order :) Big congrats to the newly-weds !!

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