Wednesday, September 21, 2011

The True Meaning of FUCK

The True Meaning of FUCK,

Nearly 11 years and it's no surprise to hear this word coming out from her...(ermmm, especially since her very own dad has used it on numerous occasions when he was ranting about something that upset him, mea culpa).

So back to our daughter, when I picked her up from school and we were walking back towards our car.....she asked "Daddy, can I ask you a question?....Don't be mad please"

Strobes of red flashlights and alarm claxons were already blinking and sounding in my mind when she added that last phrase...."Don't be mad..."

Composing myself for a split second, putting on my most cheerful smile (but I guess it was a give away that I wasn't really sincerely smiling 'cos I recall that I was frowning at the same time :p)

Daddy : "Shoot, what's the question"

Laetitia : "Do you know the meaning of F.U.C.K??"

Daddy (exploding) :"Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat??!!!!!????"

Laetitia : "You told me you are not going to be mad"

Daddy : "No, I did not!!!!"...."Who taught you this word!!!!!!"

Laetitia : "I didn't say the F-word, I spelled F.U.C.K, do you know what it means?"

Daddy : "Ofcourse I know!!!!!!!!! Do you???" (for me F*** and F.U.C.K are the bleeping same)

Laetitia (beaming a grin on her face) : "Yes, I know"

I gazed at her with a scowl on my face.....I guess that if somebody had to analyse my facial expression at that time it would read...."Try me.."

Laetitia : 

F  : Father
U  : Understands
C  : Chinese
K  : Kung Fu

F.U.C.K : Father Understands Chinese Kung Fu

Okay, I admit, I had to smile at that definition......

Gosh, kids nowadays...sending her to school and she learns this?

I had to promise her to keep it a secret, but blimey, for record's sake...have to jot this down for remembrance's we'll be having a good laugh reading this post in years to come.

Too bad that in a few years to come she will understand the true meaning of that F*** word........but for the time being, 

We can be assured that she thinks that her daddy knows Kung Fu....:p

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