Monday, September 12, 2011

Mid Autumn candles and lanterns

Mid Autumn candles and lanterns,

It's that time of year again, the mooncake festival or 中秋節 and the inevitable colourful lanterns and candles being lit and played with by young and old alike.

Mid Autumn festival, finding its origins as a Harvest festival in Chinese folklore, has become a major day of celebration among the Chinese community and its overseas diaspora.

Traditions that are upheld time again and again, are the mutual exchanges and savourings of mooncakes of all different flavours.....

And ofcourse, not the least, lightning up and carrying around candle lit lanterns.....traditionally they are built from paper, but nowadays thanks to some ingenuous and inventive minds, they come in transparent PVC's, the lanterns in question do come in all shapes and sizes :p

So it ain't no surprise that you'll find each sundry shop decked out with countless lantern figurines on display, ....

Pretty cushy of those store owners, quite certain that parents with children in tow will be harassed by their offspring to purchase some colourful lanterns to bring back home.....and which parent dares to say 'NO' nowadays.....if one dares to say "NO"....the parent in question will be accused of child cruelty nowadays......

That brings this story back to our family,....nah, our daughter didn't nag us for a lantern this time (could it be that she deems this stuff only for children?), but traditions are to be upheld, so I did make a point of purchasing some of the lanterns :), if not for our girl than at least for the other small kids in our extended family (good enough excuse? :p)

And finally Mid Autumn wouldn't be complete if there are no candles lit.  As I mentioned at the beginning of my post, young and 'not so young alike' take part to lit up rows upon rows of candles.....

A bit to my chagrin (the wax of the candles is hard to get rid off and thus it leaves everlasting stains), but heck, somehow all of us gathering around and keeping ourselves busy with the candles has a soothing effect on everyone's mind.....

It might not look as grand as Lantern Festivals held elsewhere, but our way of celebrating is the embodiment of us sharing a mutual bond that matters.

And if bonding means, that we have to gather around some lanterns and candles, by jove, we will make that happen, every year :)

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