Monday, September 5, 2011

Hands-free driving Malaysian Style

Hands-free Malaysian Style,

Normally we wouldn't take a cab back home from the airport, but since Laetitia and me were overloaded with luggage and goodies from our HK/China trip, I decided it was worth the extra money to take a cab to reach back home asap.....

Well, a normal city taxi couldn't fit us and our excess baggage, so we opted for a bigger sized sedan, albeit bit pricier...but has to roll.

Once on the move heading back to our 'casa', we noticed something peculiar about this driver.

Yes, there have been and there still are many pro's and con's regarding using a mobile whilst driving a vehicle.....fact is, using a mobile is distracting, whether one uses a hands-free set or not, I leave that open for debate....

Our taxi driver didn't use or didn't have a hands-free set per se....

But then again, he was not technically holding his mobile whilst steering the vehicle with us in it....., look at below picture and video...

Our taxi driver's handphone conveniently fitted right between his steering column and steering wheel :p

And yes, not once during the 1-hour drive back home, did his mobile slip out of place and on top of that he really did manage to receive a call and talk to the other person on the line (ofcourse everybody in the cab is privy to such conversations), .....

We for once, couldn't care less, as long as we reach our casa safely, ....back home sweet home :)

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