Sunday, September 18, 2011

No Shoes

Taking off one's shoes,

The feeling of taking one's shoes off after a long day of hard earnest work is a blissful feeling, I do think you all agree with me on this, don't you?

But this colleague of mine really goes a step beyond....

Lunch hour, everybody relaxed and in non-working mode, he makes himself a good mug of milk tea, plays 'Hearts' on the computer and voila....takes off his shoes.

If this happens at one's house, perfectly understandable, but this is the first time that I witness this in an office environment, sure, it happens out of sight, put beneath the desk, but in plain open view like this? This is a first for me :)

Actually I don't mind the poor sod doing this, after all, like I mentioned earlier, he earned it after a hard day's work....but it would be a bit non-respectful if his feet were smelly, ugh.

Luckily, in this case, it wasn't.....I didn't bother to come closer to smell though and his cubicle is faaaar away from mine :)

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