Saturday, September 17, 2011

Free food for Lab Rats

Free food for Lab Rats,

Stomach empty, heading to our nearest hypermarket to buy groceries to cook, and then at the entrance we stumble upon the above sign (Free Food Sampling), what do you expect then?

Ofcourse, our attention was immediately drawn, not the least our growling stomachs.

Thus, we were seated comfortably and the staff served us all kinds of food, biscuits, pasta, pizza, drinks, name it, they have it.

And all we had to do was give them our verdict how good or even how bad the food tastes.

Stomachs filled to the brim with free goodies, our verdict was naturally a thumbs up, regardless of the quality. Yeah, we admit, that we were kinda lab rats, but no harm in filling our stomach, is there?

Luck would have it that on that particular day, this "product development center" was offering 'free food'.....on other days they invite the public to test out detergents, shampoo's, washing powder.....

Well, can't fill our empty stomachs with that,can we? :p

Lady Fortune really smiles on us, a penny saved and a full stomach...

And oh yeah, we didn't buy groceries on that day :)

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