Tuesday, September 13, 2011

A Born Entertainer

A Born Entertainer,

Nowadays with digital camera's, one just points and clicks at a merry way.....countless and countless of digital pictures and movies, so while I was rummaging through my old digital files, I found this collection of our dragon girl in action.

Mind you, it's already a year's old, but for the sake of memory keeping, can't deny it to you all and especially for us when we go through this blog in years to come.

Merely after finishing her dinner, our dragon girl, rose up and sang a chinese song,  probably learned at school I suspect.

Not that I understand the meaning of the lyrics totally (remember I'm not THAT proficient at chinese), but just her standing and performing there, made me realize how much we are blessed with her presence in our lives.

It's the little things that count, ...... that's what matters.

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