Saturday, October 1, 2011

Smoke in the cabin

Smoke in the cabin,

Comfortably seated for take-off, all strapped up, trolleys stowed away in the overhead lockers, browsing through some reading material......and everyone on board is ready to go.

But as the cabin crew was going its final routine before departing, something unusual started to occur...white smoke in the cabin??

Heck, at first, most of us, seasoned travellers, didn't take much notice of it, but the smoke started to engulf the whole cabin....but looking around, some peeps did start to look nervously around, heads bobbing up and down, left and right...

Even my dear wife looked worried as shown in below vid......quickly opening up a bottle of water and drinking from it in order to prevent to inhale the white smoke. And quickly checking the emergency procedures checklist....

By now, I had already made the assumption that the smoke originated from the cabin cooling systems, as there was no smell of a bonfire (mind you, I'm not an aeronautical engineer, don't ask me for the details of how, what and why)

And out of the smoke came ......... our saviour........or rather.......our air hostess.

But as you see from the vid above, she just whisked by....and not with the usual smile and grace.....ohoooooooooooh.....something's fishy......

Nah, silly us, nothing's fishy about the whole white smoke, and yes indeed, another Red Angel came and did stop by to comfort the worried passengers that everything is A-Okay.

Eventually the 'smoke' subdued and we were finally cleared for take-off.

I bet that quite a few of my fellow passengers were already thinking that their flight was going up in smokes.....:p

How about that, to kickstart one's trip into the sky? 

"Flight AK47, You are GO for launch" 

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