Thursday, October 20, 2011

Ghostbusters for hire

Ghostbusters for hire,

There must be some kind of truth in all these paranormal phenomena, what with the rising popularity of claire voyants, mediums and all other sorts of inexplicable occurrences.

Or at least the majority of our fellow men and women do believe that such things exist and occur outside our normal realm.

A lot of people tend to regard this as pure fiction, based on stories from hearsay, but there is a sizeable portion who do believe in it.

We were not surprised then when we saw this signboard, advertising in bold letters and lingo, offering their 'specialized' services to exorcise ghosts and demons.

They promote their services for everybody to see, better than through backwater channels.  At least you know what you gonna get :)

But......are they as good as they proclaim to be? When I pay for something I expect something tangible in return, but how about driving out 'ghosts' and 'spirits'??  If I can't see them, how would I know if those entities have truly been excorsized?

Only one way to find out......ermmm....

Anyone game for testing these ghostbusters out? Be my guest and do inform us whether you are able to sleep soundly :p

We are all ears :)

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