Friday, October 7, 2011

Ladies and shopping for clothes

Ladies and shopping for clothes,

It's a universal truth, send the ladies of the house off on a mall trip, and chances are very likely that you find them shopping for garment.

Thus the ladies of our household make no exception to that.

One of the few perks of traveling up and down to Hong Kong, is the vast quantity of affordable and fashionable clothes that are up on offer all over the place.  What do you expect with the sweat shop factories across the border in China, it's a jungle of the fittest out there and as a result of that, we as consumers enjoy the fruits of the law of the 'jungle'.

Honestly, I always get myself lost in the huge selection of clothes on offer (after all I'm not a dandy) invariably the ladies go their own merry way picking out clothes while this dude drools himself over the latest techo gadgets next doors.

Loitering for well over an hour, I thought it was time's up and see for myself the spoils of the day of what they had purchased.

Dear wife was still selecting,.....time really flies...., and our girl?

Where was our girl?

"Dear, where is Laetitia?"

"Dunno, somewhere around"


As I made my way through the shop, I couldn't help but notice the throng of eager ladies whose mind were solely set on acquiring that elusive perfect piece of it's true for clothes can be a bliss or a burden for the ladies....

So where did our girl hide herself then?

Last resort, head to the changing rooms.....she might be there trying out a bunchload of clothes.

Ow, yes......she was there all right.....

Not changing clothes though,.....just sitting there and killing her time playing on her Nintendo NDS.

I guess the labour of choosing clothes has gotten the better of her.......

Dear girl, tired already? 

You still have a long life of shopping for clothes ahead of you....better get the hang of it :)

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