Saturday, October 29, 2011



It's that time of year again.  American culture seeping into all corners of the world, and Kuala Lumpur hasn't been spared.

If my memory serves me right, back in my younger days there was no such talk of celebrating Halloween, but nowadays one can't escape it, no matter what, you can't hide from the media,'s and tv's blaring ads announcing Halloween parties here and there and even the shopping malls put up dedicated stands to celebrate this supposedly most scariest day of the year when ghosts and spirits haunt our streets.

Credit to the marketing bozo's, they do know how to entertain the younger generation with the plethora of scary toys, as you can see for yourself on the pictures.  Our girl wasn't exactly scared but she was rather more intrigued with the countless Halloween products on offer.

But what made it all special for her, were the Halloween candy's on sale, and in this case it was a "vampire coffin creeper" lollypop.....gosh, should have known that this was the deal maker for her, she and her sweet tooth....can't go wrong....

We didn't actually buy any of these merchandise, informing our gal that Santa Claus was coming and we don't wanna spend money on this Halloween no costumes and no scary toys in da house.

How wrong could I be......'cos barely a few days later she was invited to attend a Halloween party at a classmate's, AliceTan's house.

Correct, you read it right....a Halloween party....

Her being at a tender age, we were already pondering how to help her out with her costume, ..... eventually our idea was of dressing her up as a pirate. Get some old clothes, tear it up, use marker pens to randomly draw whatever on it, a head scarf, smear some shoe polish on her face and body.....would look cool, wouldn't it?

Forget about it, the little dame had her mind set on being dressed as..........Cinderella........."gulp".....what?

She was adamant to go as Cinderella, no matter what.......even though I warned her that her dress would turn into a bunch of rags when the clock strikes twelve midnight.  Laetitia gave me a look like ......"yeah, right"....."you can't fool me anymore".....

(aaaargh, I want to turn back time on occasions like these.....grmmmbbblllll)

For the very first time, Jessica applied some make up to her, boy oh boy....our girl did look posh and daddy here dropped her off at her friend's house.

I'm the first to admit, that the Halloween party turned out quite nice, keeping her company for a bit till I felt that my presence was no longer required by her.  Her classmates, Audrey, Denise, Stephanie and Alice were more the focus of her attention than daddy.  -Sigh-, have to accept the fact that she is growing up......babygirl ain't a babygirl anymore.

The Gang of 4 : Denise, Stephanie, Laetitia & Audrey

And sitting at home till she called me up to pick her up, waaaaaay past midnight.

Did she have a great time? From the looks of it, she did indeed had a great time....

And did her dress turn into rags like I said it would? Silly me, ofcourse not....those are fairy tales....and fairy tales have no more place at her age, at least in this instance.

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