Wednesday, September 21, 2011

The True Meaning of FUCK

The True Meaning of FUCK,

Nearly 11 years and it's no surprise to hear this word coming out from her...(ermmm, especially since her very own dad has used it on numerous occasions when he was ranting about something that upset him, mea culpa).

So back to our daughter, when I picked her up from school and we were walking back towards our car.....she asked "Daddy, can I ask you a question?....Don't be mad please"

Strobes of red flashlights and alarm claxons were already blinking and sounding in my mind when she added that last phrase...."Don't be mad..."

Composing myself for a split second, putting on my most cheerful smile (but I guess it was a give away that I wasn't really sincerely smiling 'cos I recall that I was frowning at the same time :p)

Daddy : "Shoot, what's the question"

Laetitia : "Do you know the meaning of F.U.C.K??"

Daddy (exploding) :"Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat??!!!!!????"

Laetitia : "You told me you are not going to be mad"

Daddy : "No, I did not!!!!"...."Who taught you this word!!!!!!"

Laetitia : "I didn't say the F-word, I spelled F.U.C.K, do you know what it means?"

Daddy : "Ofcourse I know!!!!!!!!! Do you???" (for me F*** and F.U.C.K are the bleeping same)

Laetitia (beaming a grin on her face) : "Yes, I know"

I gazed at her with a scowl on my face.....I guess that if somebody had to analyse my facial expression at that time it would read...."Try me.."

Laetitia : 

F  : Father
U  : Understands
C  : Chinese
K  : Kung Fu

F.U.C.K : Father Understands Chinese Kung Fu

Okay, I admit, I had to smile at that definition......

Gosh, kids nowadays...sending her to school and she learns this?

I had to promise her to keep it a secret, but blimey, for record's sake...have to jot this down for remembrance's we'll be having a good laugh reading this post in years to come.

Too bad that in a few years to come she will understand the true meaning of that F*** word........but for the time being, 

We can be assured that she thinks that her daddy knows Kung Fu....:p

Sunday, September 18, 2011

No Shoes

Taking off one's shoes,

The feeling of taking one's shoes off after a long day of hard earnest work is a blissful feeling, I do think you all agree with me on this, don't you?

But this colleague of mine really goes a step beyond....

Lunch hour, everybody relaxed and in non-working mode, he makes himself a good mug of milk tea, plays 'Hearts' on the computer and voila....takes off his shoes.

If this happens at one's house, perfectly understandable, but this is the first time that I witness this in an office environment, sure, it happens out of sight, put beneath the desk, but in plain open view like this? This is a first for me :)

Actually I don't mind the poor sod doing this, after all, like I mentioned earlier, he earned it after a hard day's work....but it would be a bit non-respectful if his feet were smelly, ugh.

Luckily, in this case, it wasn't.....I didn't bother to come closer to smell though and his cubicle is faaaar away from mine :)

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Free food for Lab Rats

Free food for Lab Rats,

Stomach empty, heading to our nearest hypermarket to buy groceries to cook, and then at the entrance we stumble upon the above sign (Free Food Sampling), what do you expect then?

Ofcourse, our attention was immediately drawn, not the least our growling stomachs.

Thus, we were seated comfortably and the staff served us all kinds of food, biscuits, pasta, pizza, drinks, name it, they have it.

And all we had to do was give them our verdict how good or even how bad the food tastes.

Stomachs filled to the brim with free goodies, our verdict was naturally a thumbs up, regardless of the quality. Yeah, we admit, that we were kinda lab rats, but no harm in filling our stomach, is there?

Luck would have it that on that particular day, this "product development center" was offering 'free food'.....on other days they invite the public to test out detergents, shampoo's, washing powder.....

Well, can't fill our empty stomachs with that,can we? :p

Lady Fortune really smiles on us, a penny saved and a full stomach...

And oh yeah, we didn't buy groceries on that day :)

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Fly in your tea

Fly in your tea,

A colleague of mine who was suffering from a seriously long spell of bad cough resorted to quite a strange measure in order to get cured.

He went to a Chinese medicinal shop and brought back a satchel with herbs.

Nothing wrong with that, isn't it? Traditional Chinese medicine is based on age-old trial and errors using herbs that Mother Nature provides us with, believing that the 'ying' and 'yang' within our body is incorrectly balanced, therefore making us feel sick.  Thus the medicines are meant to correct the imbalance, capiche? Simple as that.

But c'mon, this is a bit weird isn't it? Herbs mixed with one big black fly??

Witnessing this strange act happening, wild thoughts ran through my mind...."people seriously gobble up this stuff?"

First he poured hot water into his glass mug, let it simmer for a while and then siphoned off the contents into another mug, minus the herbs and black fly......deary me, and I thought he was going to swallow the whole lot.

And did he manage to get his ying and yang balanced out? Honestly, I didn't see much of an improvement over the next few days.

I bet his stomach was revolting at the idea of drinking a concoction of herbs and a BLACK FLY :p

Have to take my hat off to my colleague for his dare and mettle :) Cheers!!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

A Born Entertainer

A Born Entertainer,

Nowadays with digital camera's, one just points and clicks at a merry way.....countless and countless of digital pictures and movies, so while I was rummaging through my old digital files, I found this collection of our dragon girl in action.

Mind you, it's already a year's old, but for the sake of memory keeping, can't deny it to you all and especially for us when we go through this blog in years to come.

Merely after finishing her dinner, our dragon girl, rose up and sang a chinese song,  probably learned at school I suspect.

Not that I understand the meaning of the lyrics totally (remember I'm not THAT proficient at chinese), but just her standing and performing there, made me realize how much we are blessed with her presence in our lives.

It's the little things that count, ...... that's what matters.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Mid Autumn candles and lanterns

Mid Autumn candles and lanterns,

It's that time of year again, the mooncake festival or ä¸­ç§‹ç¯€ and the inevitable colourful lanterns and candles being lit and played with by young and old alike.

Mid Autumn festival, finding its origins as a Harvest festival in Chinese folklore, has become a major day of celebration among the Chinese community and its overseas diaspora.

Traditions that are upheld time again and again, are the mutual exchanges and savourings of mooncakes of all different flavours.....

And ofcourse, not the least, lightning up and carrying around candle lit lanterns.....traditionally they are built from paper, but nowadays thanks to some ingenuous and inventive minds, they come in transparent PVC's, the lanterns in question do come in all shapes and sizes :p

So it ain't no surprise that you'll find each sundry shop decked out with countless lantern figurines on display, ....

Pretty cushy of those store owners, quite certain that parents with children in tow will be harassed by their offspring to purchase some colourful lanterns to bring back home.....and which parent dares to say 'NO' nowadays.....if one dares to say "NO"....the parent in question will be accused of child cruelty nowadays......

That brings this story back to our family,....nah, our daughter didn't nag us for a lantern this time (could it be that she deems this stuff only for children?), but traditions are to be upheld, so I did make a point of purchasing some of the lanterns :), if not for our girl than at least for the other small kids in our extended family (good enough excuse? :p)

And finally Mid Autumn wouldn't be complete if there are no candles lit.  As I mentioned at the beginning of my post, young and 'not so young alike' take part to lit up rows upon rows of candles.....

A bit to my chagrin (the wax of the candles is hard to get rid off and thus it leaves everlasting stains), but heck, somehow all of us gathering around and keeping ourselves busy with the candles has a soothing effect on everyone's mind.....

It might not look as grand as Lantern Festivals held elsewhere, but our way of celebrating is the embodiment of us sharing a mutual bond that matters.

And if bonding means, that we have to gather around some lanterns and candles, by jove, we will make that happen, every year :)

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Ganesha on a carriage

Ganesha on a carriage,

Residing in the mix of multi-racial and hence multi-cultural that is Malaysia, I wasn't surprised to witness this scene while I was driving in the heart of the city.

The display was so colourful and a feast for the eye that I had to stop and take a look for myself what this was all about.

Ignorant me ofcourse, not understanding what the procession was about, so a quick check with some local bystanders and I gained a clearer picture of what it was about.

Hindu's were celebrating the birthday of the elephant headed God, Lord Ganesha, who apparently is the lord of the Beginnings....thus the Mother of all Gods (that's my understanding :p, I could be wrong ofcourse).  The reverence to his Lordship is so great that Hindu's always start saying his name at the start of every ritual and ceremony that Hindu's perform.

Origins of its elephant head vary wildly, but Hindu's believe that by accepting this deity, they accept to look beyond outer appearances, thus focusing on the spiritual side of life.....and I bet spirituality is badly needed in today's materialistic world of ours.

So in this case they put Lord Ganesha on a colourful decked out carriage with statuettes of other deities and venture out on a short procession route, starting from this temple and winding up at another temple down the road, and along the road sprinkling good fortune to the bystanders or rather believers who come up in troves.

Now that I stopped by, I do hope that dear Lord Ganesha heard my birthday wishes and in return maybe some of the good fortune will be bestowed upon our family :)