Sunday, October 12, 2008

Looking like a chimney

Sunday and as the weekend before....and now that I think of it...all those previous weekends past half's football time!!
Jess okay'ed me the green light after making sure I had no visible trauma from last week's bad fall on my head (Sun. Oct.5, Hard learned lesson). And off I went.
As our field will only be ready earliest December 1....we've resorted to playing 'indoor' on astro turf. Ball sizes are smaller in comparison with regular footballs, a bit heavier too...and they sure pack a whallop when they hit you. Mind you, I'm the goalkeeper in question. Never had the real technical skills to really outwit my opponents, and since that everybody wants to run and kick, I've voluntarily taken up the post of goalie. Somebody's got to do it :p and besides, I ain't no youngster anymore. Let 'them' do the running.
Have to admit that today was quite a good game, we managed to gather up 14 players in total, a mix of SSPK (that's our team) and a few outsiders. Guarded my goal like a man possessed and dove left, right, down, sideways....and in no time my exposed parts (legs and forearms) were totally black. I don't know what the management has put there beneath the astro looks like black pellets and they seep in everywhere (shoes, shorts....) I'll take a pic next week and show you. And not before long my keeper gloves were black as soot too.
Naturally, an accident had to happen to me again (comme habitude)....long range effort, more a canon shot if you ask me, was deflected by my left hand and the ball deviated flat, bang, schmuck on my left eye. Ofcourse first thing I did was hold my hands to my face........and yeah.....those gloves were black remember.....when I removed the gloves from my face, all the players looked at me in bewilderment and also with a good laugh (but they were polite enough not to laugh too loud).......according to them I looked like an African. Ach, took me a few minutes to find my composure again and we played the 2 full great satisfaction of everybody.
Off I went back then I've noticed that I looked 'black'...shorts, legs, arms....but I had no idea what my face would be like, till I stepped through the front door....and all the peeps at home (we had a family gathering)....looked at me in astonishment and gaped at me with their mouth open, LOL. So first thing I had to do was to check my image on the nearest mirror.....LOL.....I looked like a dude who had just cleaned the chimney!!!.......Stante pede to the nearest shower and scrub like hell!!!
In the end everybody had had a good laugh, I don't feel particularly 'exhausted', don't have any 'pain' here or there which is strange, 'cos normally I would be 'broken' for a couple of days after every game. I definetely have to take some pics of the venue next week in order to show you what I have been rambling about.
Another fine day, another weekend gone....tomorrow, Monday, work again, crunch time!!

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