Sent my kiddo to her music class at Desa Park City today and whilst I was about to read the newspaper, a 'mum' stormed into the premises with her two girls trailing behind her.
What the heck, she enquired......no scratch that.....she demanded in not overtly subtle tone to provide her 'darlings' replacement classes 'cos they had been absent for a specific period of time.
Mind you, if I am the shop-assistant or shop owner, I would do my best by double checking the attendance roster and trying to come up with a suitable agreement for both parties involved, 'cos after all customers are paying for a 'service', be it already rendered or not.
But fuming like a pre-meno pause infected, fireballs spitting fury on heat with her arms wielding as windmills gone berserk won't do anyone any good. Suffice to say that in no time, all the attention was centred upon this discussion. And by God, I didn't want to have part in this tirade of hers, but sadly earplugs were not a ready option. Even her daughters took the wise option and went out of the shop. I sure bet they were too embarrassed themselves with their mum's behaviour.
I'm wondering why sometimes people have to behave so rudely and violently, thinking they can get away with this and make things happen.....whereas just a little bit of politeness and respect for eachother can get things done much more smoothly (I am not referring to civil bureaucrats, 'cos these peeps know how to stretch the red tape and get our blood from under our fingernails, albeit there are some exceptions).
My daughther's class lasts for 30 minutes and by the time she had finished, the discussion at the reception desk wasn't finished yet. I'm pretty sure there won't be blood flowing from this ugly scene.....but heck m'am, give peace a chance.
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