Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Holiday 2008 part 1

Oops, almost forgot.....time surely flies. Less than a month from now we'll be going on our annual 'pilgrimage' to Hong Kong again. This time the occassion will be to attend a wedding of Jess's cousin sister.
Ofcourse we would be lying if we just went there for that event only :0

Just time to re-stock our voracious appetite for Cantonese cuisine, ranging from dim sum fare, hawker stalls and the lot. And also time to replenish our batteries after a year of hard work.
3 it too much? Well, knowing our pattern, it will be just good enough....sleeping out, going out for lunch after 2.30pm (when it is cheaper) and having our dinner after 9.30pm (also at discounted rates, lol). And in between that, we'll be mostly doing window shopping around Tai Po.

Tai Po, located in the New Territories, is the city where we have a flat, bit small for Malaysian standards (and definitely a pigeon hole compared to our house), but big enough as a holiday retreat for the three of us. Most of the people only know Hong Kong island or the Kowloon area, but those places are way overcrowded, heavily polluted and tourist infested (that's my humble opinion).

Tai Po Central to be more exact, has all the amenities of a big city, and kudos to their town planning....all the residential tower units (I believe a total of 15 blocks with 26 floors each) sit atop a mix of different shopping and recreational areas which are conveniently joined by underpasses, overhead bridges and etc....below is a link, providing you with a bit more background info.
It is actually closer to the bordercrossing to China.....barely a 20-mins with the train, and almost 40 minutes if you want to go to downtown Kowloon (MongKok).
Well, it's still a month away....time enough to pack and re-pack our bags and re-re-pack it again !!! :p Too bad it's autumn, nearly winter down there......Jessica won't find anything to her liking regarding clothing. But end of year in Hong Kong is quite nice, temperatures are more bearable, too bad we are going to miss out on the 'magic' of Xmas in Hong Kong this year as we will be back home early December.....but talking bout 'magic',....... ofcourse we will not forget to pass on your best regards to Mickey Mouse and Friends at HK Disneyland :)

I started of with the title "Holiday 2008 part 1"....yupperdeyups, there is a second part...things are not finalized yet, but I will tell you more about it in a future post :p (life is sweet, very sweet indeed)

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