Saturday, June 13, 2009

Valid enough reason for a holiday?

People often ask us why we always go back to Hong Kong for holiday.....

'Cos there are actually so many valid reasons for not going there.....pollution, pigeon flat, ant colonies living conditions, rat race working ethics. Why in God's name always opt for Hong Kong instead of a beach holiday, city trip or whatever?

The answer should be very obvious by now for people who have been following our endeavours.....

What attracts us to come back time and time again is oh so word.......Food !!

The cramped living conditions and long working hours don't entice the locals here to cook properly for themselves....hence, they nearly always eat out, at least once a day. On every corner and every nook imaginable one can find an eatery, be it small or big, from dirt cheap to outrageously expensive.

It's too tempting not to try out the food on offer and once again we sure feasted upon the numerous offerings.......

Yes, yes...we know...glutony is a sin.......but rest assured....we always made sure we never left any scraps behind.........would have been pure waste, wouldn't it? :p

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