Nonoo......get this straight, I am not an EPL (English Premier League) fan and I do not support any English club........but there is no escape from the bombardment of EPL games on our conscious through all the media here in Asia.
And as a result of this media frenzy, practically every football fan has chosen sides, be it as a ManU fan, Chelsea fan, Liverpool fan.....or whatever.....
So far I have stood my ground and haven't been tempted to switch colours........my heart was Club Brugge (FC Bruges), and still is to this very day......oh yes, for the peeps who don't know what team Club Brugge are.....it's a Belgian team m8.
Ofcourse you might be wondering why I am sporting the 'Hammers', West Ham jersey whilst playing football at our residential club..........doh, long story...........
As it happens to be, in law's family business is tied up with the 'Hammers' and my dear, little sister-in-law was so considerate and nice to bring back a jersey for me.......at least that's what she told me on the phone...........
Cool, I get a genuine jersey for free. Thanks sis!!! Mucha gracias!!!
Great was our surprise when she deposited not only 1 jersey, but 3 jerseys on our doorstep.........eeeeeuuuhhh..........aaah, I see, one for daddy Yuen, one for mummy Yuen and one for daughter Yuen .......
And the biggest surprise of the lot was a huge bathrobe.......can the three of us fit in it? :p
Ofcourse, proud as a peacock, couldn't resist to try it out on the field, during a friendly match. Did it bring luck? Ermmmmmm............no, lost 5-6..............a few goals that I should have saved, went inexplicably behind into the netting.........very odd indeed.
Hope this jersey ain't cursed 'cos else this jersey will wind up in the closet for a very, very long time indeed.
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