Whilst Jessica was driving around, looking for a parking spot............she overheard our daughter and her best friend's (who happens to be a boy) conversation in the back of our car.
Laetitia & Zhen Ling : mumblemumblemumble........mumblemumblemumble......
And suddenly the 'word' dropped out.........: mumblemumblemumble......"SEX"........
Jess's hearing abilities notched up a bit but she pretended not to have heard what they were talking about....as she continued to tour around looking for a parking slot.
The conversation continued like this :
Heavy sighs and moaning....."heeeuh, heeeuh, heeeuuh, mmmmmmhhhhmmm, heeeuuuh, heeeuh, heeeuh"
"No, no like this....'aaaaaah, aaaaah, aaaaah' "
"I wonder how does it feel?"
"I don't know.....I have no idea"
"Laetitia, ask your mummy........she knows"
"?!?!? Why don't you ask yourself............, why don't you ask your own mummy!!!"
Then Jess intervened into this not-so-innocent conversation....
"Gan Zhen Ling.......you better shut up or else I call your mummy and tell her what you are talking about!!"
End of conversation..........
With the omni-presence of semi-nudity on TV, movies, internet, magazines, and stashed away porn......no wonder kiddo's are way, way faster than us (when we were kids) regarding sexual themed conversations..........
But gosh, kids asking my wife how "IT" feels?.......blimey......
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