Laetitia and school bags........that's a bad match.......
The contents of her bags resemble more of a scrapyard than a squeaky, ordened bag...............(they say the contents of one's bags is the reflection of one's character......okay, okay, I got it from who she has got this trait from......enough said).
As a result of this, we take it upon ourselves to clean up her bag from time to time........discovering long lost worksheets, exercise books, bits of gums, broken pencils, scraps of non-descript paper, candy wrappings, and etcetera.....
So rummaging through her bags we've stumbled upon a small notebook..........mmmmhhhhmmmmm.........strange, this ain't a standard issue school exercise book, it's a Mickey Mouse notebook..........so we flipped it open to see/read what's the contents of it....
Hmmmm........some roughly drawn cartoonish sketches, okay....., turn over to the next page, draft of spelling,.....still okay........turn over the page.........MMMHHHHMMMMM ?!?
A written conversation between our daughter and her classmate who we assume sits next to her........
see attached scans 1&2......below is the transcript for your convenience.
(remember that our girl instigated/started this 'conversation')
Laetitia : Teacher writting very awful ! Yes/No ? (circle Y or N)
Classm8 : Why?
Laetitia : Because her word write like a donkey like this! "He put on his shoes" (we assume that the teacher in question is scribbling very rapidly on the whiteboard hence the 'awful' writing)
Classm8 : Ha!ha!ha!
Laetitia : Isint 't very funny?
Classm8 : Ha!Ha!Ha!Ha!Ha!Ha!Ha!Ha!......Yes, its very funny, can you stop that and say the other things?
Laetitia : Okay! Do you like Miss.stupid Ranjid? Yes/No
Classm8 : So why are you asking this?
Laetitia : Because I hate her!
Classm8 : Okay! If you say so
Laetitia : Ha!Ha!Ha!Ha!Ha!Ha!Ha!Ha!
Classm8 : OK STOP IT................OK DON'T STOP IT,......please?
Laetitia : Why?
Classm8 : Because.... (something undecipherable)
Laetitia : I don't friend you!
Classm8 : Why?
Laetitia : Because you want to stop my chat!
Classm8 : OK, I not stop you
Laetitia : Ok, do you love "Laoshi"? (teacher) Yes/
Classm8 : But why?
Laetitia : Because I hate her and she always beat, beat, scold, scold, beat!
Classm8 : Because you always lazy, I think....you want change yourself
Laetitia : Yeah! I wanted to change myself but I'm trying!
Classm8 : I know you want to do good things
Laetitia : But I don't know how? Pls teach me?
Classm8 : Ok, I will teach you
Laetitia : Thanks!
Classm8 : Ok I will give some
Laetitia : Give now lah! Continue!
Classm8 : ok
- always don late to school
- always change your book everyday (pack books in the bag for the following schoolday)
- always do some P.E. (Physical Exercise = Laetitia is known to skip PE classes)
- always read some books everyday
- when got spelling you copy and read three times
- when do wrong you want to admit your wrong
- somebody bully you told teacher
- helping other people
- when took anybody things you must give back
- you must be quiet!
Wooooooooow, this classmate of hers is well matured beyond her years.......we suspect that the parents of her classmate spend a lot of time with her lecturing about 'virtues'.....
And yups, our little dragon girl has shown some improvements indeed regarding her attitude at school and a better diligence too.........
So we keep this in-class written conversation to ourselves............kids nowadays..........."That what friends are for"
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