Friday, May 22, 2009

Shuffle, shuffle here,.....shuffle, shuffle there

People who read our blog on a regular basis are aware that we are blessed of living in a neighbourhood which has ample provisions for outdoor activities, like jogging path, basket ball courts and even a full blown football field.

Since a few months there are even a few groups of ladies who engage into line-dancing sessions on the basket ball court.

Line-dancing? Yups,'s a healthy exercise in group form, and one gets to know one's neighbour (same goes for the football club).

Ofcourse, there are some residents who are not that pleased with the noise that these ladies particular the soundlevel of the music that they dance upon. I dare say that a few sessions a week shouldn't be too bothersome for those 'affected' residents, as it only takes up an hour/session. But then again, we live 'far' away from where these sessions take place and have no disturbance whatsoever from the line dance.

Anyway, last Monday, managed to find a gap in my schedule and witness a line-dance session myself. A group numbering 30 over ladies and one dude, aging from 30 and above, tenderly performing some steps in what is supposed to be line-dancing. (It's definitely different from what I've seen on TV, where it goes furiously up and down, back and forth, accompanied by frenzied, loud country music).

Heck, what's all the fuss about anyway? Basketball players produce more noise than that, 'telephone porridge' aunties speak louder than a few dozen shuffling feet together.

Too bad both Jess and me work every evening or we would have tried this thing out too....the dance steps should improve my stamina and skills on the football field....I guess....:p

Be thy neighbour, love thy neighbour,.......Peace out

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