Kinect movin' da House,
Couch potato's beware, there is no more excuse of not having time to exercise, to flex one's muscles....
'Cos thanks to the IT wizards from Redmond, Washington (Micro****).....they have brought us the Kinect,...
At first we were a bit apprehensive about this new toy, yes.....we do have a game console at home, but that's only brought out during the school holidays to keep the ever restless kids at peace.....
But heck, playing games indoors, in front of a TV and one is able to do some exercise on top of that? Time to find out ourselves....
In no time, our dragon girl was jumping up and down, and soon afterwards practically the whole family, including our housemaid + Jess and me....were frantically hopping up and down, left and right.....
Does it beat the real stuff out there? Ofcourse not, but you have to try it out for yourself to determine how much fun this kind of activity really is......and for someone who plays or more rather...plods along the football field practically every week, I can assure you that the calories burnt whilst playing this Kinect are not to be underestimated...................I guarantee you will break a sweat.
Only the future will tell us what kind of other Kinect activities are in store for us (games at this junction of time are still of a kinda infantile content)....
Bring it on, Kinect Connecting Everybody......:)